Monday, March 23, 2009


Creepshow 3 is shit, plain and simple.

It amazes me that Uwe Boll gets such a bad rap for making films that while bad, are somewhat enjoyable in a turn-off-your-brain kind of way. Apparently the Uwe-haters have never seen a James Dudelson and Ana Clavell film. The two outlaws are taking some great names in horror and burning them. It almost kills me to see any hack, let alone two, take what is arguably the greatest horror anthology film of all time, and sodomize it until death. The word abomination just doesn't begin to describe the pain I, and my television set had to endure.

Surprisingly I am not against sequels or remakes. While some consider it blasphemous, I like the Dawn of the Dead remake better than the original. Sorry, I just do. The same goes for The Hills Have Eyes. Given that Creepshow 3 obviously isn't a remake, it is still in the same category as far as I am concerned as it is nothing more than taking an already known idea and cashing in on it. Creepshow 3 takes nothing from the first two films. Nothing. No sense of sinister fun, no care given to a decent screenplay, and no real wrap around story. What makes Creepshow 3 such dreck is the complete and utter lack of care given to the material.

I am normally a pretty forgiving reviewer as I can usually see some redeeming factors in most films, but I just can't see any for this junk. There are some decent make-up effects work, but other than that I want my life back.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I didn't really know what to expect when I put T.P.T in my DVD player. It's rating on IMDB was flat average (5.1 out of 10) and just by looking at the cover I was led me to believe I was in for an unexciting movie night. Luckily though I was proved wrong. Way wrong.
One of the best comments a horror movie can receive from me is to be called "80's style." The reason being is simply because I had a non-stop fun time while watching it. T.P.T. fits into this category because it is funny, gory, and just flat out fun. The gore hounds will rejoice as DRAC Studios, headed by Todd Tucker and Greg Cannom, deliver some devil-ishly graphic gore and zombie designs.
Bottom Line: Once the movie starts, the pace never lets up. High-art this isn't,but it is without a doubt a must-have for any gorehound like myself.


Boogeyman 3 is another low-budget direct-to-video follow-up of Boogeyman, a theatrical horror film that didn’t deserve any sequels to it in the first place. Like its predecessors the latest Boogeyman is not scary, but at least Gary Jones, the director, knows how to keep things moving along at a decent pace.

Boogeyman 3 is devoid of any and all scares, but it does contain a few decent death scenes and a memorable villain. Gallons of blood (almost no real gore though) are spilled but everything is very R-rated at most.

Bottom Line: Same-ol’ supernatural slasher-film. Hopefully, this is the last we will see of The Boogeyman.